Thunnus family is as wide as well harmonious. One of its most distinguished members is the well known Thunnus alalunga, better known among its relatives as Northern Bonito-Tuna, which migrates during the summer to the area of the Gulf of Bizkaia, that’s why is like a close relative for us, who comes for a visit during summertime.
Thunnus albacares or Light Tuna also delights us. It’s recognized for its yellow fin, consequently it has always been one of the ‘modern’ members of the family.
Tuna Belly & Bonito-Tuna are very healthy for their content of omega 3 fatty acids (beneficial for our cardiovascular health), for their vitamins A and D, and minerals such as phosphorus and magnesium.
Its canned version is amazingly versatile while in the kitchen and surely has saved us from more than one unforeseen event throughout our lives.
We’re going to indicate you our favorite brands and products, we’re sure you will love.
Conservas Broto Bonito-Tuna in Olive Oil
Conservas Broto have been selecting the best fish and seafood from the Galician and Basque waters for more than 30 years, more specifically since 1989, always respecting optimal moments of capture, and of course, without leaving aside an absolute care and attention to detail during its artisanal elaboration and hand-packaging.
No doubt, the Northern Bonito-Tuna is one of the most prestigious fish within the Thunnus family. Northern Bonito-Tuna is characterized by its delicate meat, full of nuances and scents. An Authentic culinary premium delight from Cantabria!
Conservas Broto packages them in glass jars in sizes of 225 and 400 grams, only adding olive oil and salt.
Although, if you are looking for exclusive canned seafood, your choice it’s Conservas Broto Northern Bonito-Tuna Belly in Olive Oil, simply incredible!.
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